Vivekananda Shila Smarak : EK Bharat Vijayi Bharat

Ek Bharat Vijayi Bharat 

On the eve of 50th year of Vivekananda Rock Memorial at Kanyakumari, Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari will take up a big contact program titled as ‘Ek Bharat Vijayi Bharat’ throughout the nation from 2nd September 2019. 

Swami Vivekananda meditated on 25, 26 and 27 December 1892 on mid sea rock off Kanyakumari shore. Sitting on that last bit of Indian Rock he discovered the mission of his life and took the momentous decision of his life to work to restore the glory of Bharat. It was decided during the Birth centenary of Swami Vivekananda in 1963 to erect a Memorial to him on this Rock which has great importance in the history of nation. Crossing over unsurmountable difficulties this grand Memorial which stands on the Rock giving the message of Unity and living a purposeful life is entering in its 50th year.  Through its unique story, it calls on the people to rise above regional, political, creedal colours in the interest of the nation. 

Vivekananda Rock Memorial at Kanyakumari is unique as it is a memorial that was willed by the people of India and was constructed by their contribution throughout the country. 

The uniqueness of this memorial is that this is the only Memorial in our country for which 323 Members of the Parliament present in Delhi at that time, cutting across political lines had appealed for its construction in 1963. 

The second uniqueness of this memorial is that the 30 lakhs of people i.e. 1% adult population of the then India through one rupee donation coupon contributed Rs 85 lakhs in those days for the Memorial of Swami Vivekananda.

The third uniqueness of this grand mid-sea Rock Memorial to Swami Vivekananda is that between its construction period (1964-70) almost all the state governments, irrespective of the party in power, contributed a minimum Rs One lakh each for the Memorial. The Central Government too had contributed Rs 15 lakhs for the Memorial. Thus, Vivekananda Rock Memorial is in a true sense a National Memorial to the great patriotic saint of India.  

The fourth uniqueness of this Memorial is that it is a harmonious blending of the unrivalled and extraordinary architectural and sculptural treasures like Ajanta, Ellora, Pallav, Chola, Bellur Math and many more.

This grand Memorial was dedicated to the nation by the then President of India Sri V V Giri on 2nd September 1970. Thus on 2nd September 2019, Vivekananda Rock Memorial enters in its 50th year. 

This is the only Memorial following which a service organization in the form of Vivekananda Kendra, a spiritually oriented service mission took shape in 1972. The young men and women – in the words of Swami Vivekananda – fired with the zeal of holiness, fortified with eternal faith in the Lord, nerved to lion’s courage with their sympathy for the poor and the fallen and the downtrodden - dedicate their life as Jeevanvrati in the service of the nation are the cadre of the organization. They  are trained and sent to different parts of the country. There they organize and assist the persons who want to work for the society and take up various service activities. Today thus, Vivekananda Kendra has service activities in 1005 places in the country. Kendra works in the field of Yoga, Education, Rural Development, Youth Motivation, Moulding of children, Natural Resources Development, Cultural research in rural and Janajati areas, publication etc. The work of Vivekananda Kendra has been acknowledged by Government of India by awarding Gandhi Peace Prize for the year 2015.

The involvement of the people of India was so extensive that when the Memorial was completed the inauguration program went on for two months from 2 September 1970 - the date of inauguration, apportioning the specific dates to each state. The people of India rose as one and thus the Memorial could be successfully built. This grand Memorial could come into existence because of the wide contacts with the people thus it was decided that in its 50th year a nation-wide contact program titled as ‘Ek Bharat, Vijayi Bharat’ be undertaken. 

This contact program would be inaugurated with the first contact by the All India Team of Vivekananda Kendra with the President of India on 2nd September 2019 at Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi. After the All India Team of Vivekananda Kendra meets Vice President and the Prime Minister, all the state teams of Vivekananda Kendra would contact the Governors and Chief Ministers of all the States and sizeable number of persons in all segments of the society with the message of Swami Vivekananda, the inspiring story of Vivekananda Rock Memorial and the activities of Vivekananda Kendra. 

For further info, contact Sri Pravin D – 7086031344 &